Media & Resources
Multiply Gathering 2022

Disciplemaking & Race Seminar

The Third Option by Miles McPherson
Church Diversity by Scott Williams
Insider Outsider by Bryan Loritts
Be the Bridge book and the organization:
What I’m Reading Now: Healing Racial Trauma by Sheila Wise Rowe
Movie suggestions: Hidden Figures, Smoke Signals, The Hate U Give, Ruby Bridges, Best of Enemies, Selma, Harriet, I Am Not Your Negro, The Watsons go to Birmingham, BlacKKKlansman, Thunderheart, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Mooz-lum, Ava Duverney’s documentary 13th (documentary shares perspectives from various activists, scholars, and politicians, some of whom are not Christian), Alte-Right: the Age of Rage (has political perspectives), Into the West (6-part Steven Spielberg mini-series).
Educational Series: “Race: The Power of an Illusion,” “Jim Crow of the North,” PBS series “Asian Americans,” and “Latino Americans” on Amazon.
What I’m Reading now: The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby
Lament Resources:
Scripture: Psalms, Nehemiah, Lamentations, etc.
Reconciling All Things: A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace and Healing by Katongole and Rice
Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times by Soong-Chan Rah
Hurting with God: Learning to Lament with the Psalms by Glen Pemberton
ABC’s of Lament: Addressed to God, Be honest, Confess confidence in and connect with God’s character
Lament Music example: The Brilliance’s album “Brother”
Reflection Questions:
What process did God use for past areas of transforming work in your life? What scripture, conversations, people, events or learnings were significant for you in this process? Are you still in this process?
Reflecting on these processes, and especially your journey in understanding and responding to racism, what can you apply to how you approach conversations with loved ones about racism? In what ways can you keep your own journey in mind as you come alongside others in theirs?
What do each of the following look like for you as you engage in conversations and continue to learn about racism: Courage, Love, Connection, Truth, Humility, & Resilience?
2020 Life-to-Life Online Discipleship Conference
2019 Life-to-Life Discipleship Conference