“When You Don’t Look Like Each Other: Disciplemaking Across Cultures” Jane and Ryan Menning
Have you ever tried to enter into a discipling relationship with someone from a different cultural background? Have you ever been discipled by someone who looked different than you? In this seminar we will look at both the big picture of cross-cultural disciplemaking in the Bible as well as practical ideas for entering into those relationships today. All are welcome!
Jane and Ryan love their kids, families and being good news to those around them in Jesus’ name. They have lived overseas for most of their married life and have experienced the realities of being a mixed race couple in different cultural contexts.
“Finishing Strong: Your most fruitful years may be ahead of you!” Joe Bernardy
(recommended for those 55 and older)
The apostle Paul, as he approached the end of his life, said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7. In this seminar we will consider what it means to finish well. We will explore the scriptures, hear some stories, and consider the obstacles and the possibilities for continuing to bear fruit as we get older.
Joe was led to Christ by Navigator friends on his dormitory floor, while a freshman at Minnesota State – Mankato. He and his wife, Ronni, have served in The Navigators Collegiate ministries at Michigan State, South Dakota State, Wisconsin -Eau Claire, and Kansas State University. They are now serving as National Director of Navigators Encore – elder staff who are investing their lives in the next generation.
“Honoring God in the Workplace” Cary Humphries
Cary Humphries, with great appreciation to Almighty God, is 89 years old. He acknowledges biblical ignorance and hence continues to read, study, memorize, and meditate on the Word of God, sharing what he discovers with whomever God puts in his path. Come and learn from Cary as he shares significant life lessons and experiences from making disciples in the workplace.
Here are some of the benchmarks in Cary’s life journey.
- 64 years married
- Retired Senior V.P. with 40 years at Cargill Inc.
- 15 years associated with The Navigators
- Proud father and grandfather with 28 member family
“Living as a Disciple of Jesus in your Neighborhood” Bruce Knutson
In our fast-paced world we often fly through our neighborhood without really getting to know our neighbors or neighborhood concerns. This seminar will focus on thinking about God’s dream for the neighborhood and ways to make genuine connections.
Bruce has served on Navigator staff with his wife, Cindy, for 42 years in Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota. The past 32 years they have lived in the same neighborhood in Lakeville, MN while working for the Navigators in various leadership roles. They have three children and eight grandchildren.
“Growing Disciplemaking in your Church” Roy and Margaret Fitzwater
(recommended for pastors and lay-church leaders)
“We love God and we love His Word, but we just can’t seem to make disciples.” This is a common dilemma we consistently hear from church leaders who are a part of good churches, but they want to be more. They want to do their part in fulfilling the Great Commission – “to go and make disciples.” This workshop will cover a proven process based on biblical principles to grow cultures of intentional disciplemaking – to help people thrive! We’ll interact over an assessment of readiness for disciplemaking and discuss needed behavioral shifts.
Roy and Margaret coach and consult with churches of all sizes and denominations. Working with leaders, they focus on key areas of ministry including mission and vision, leadership assessment and development and life-to-life disciplemaking. They recently served as Co-Directors of Navigators Church Ministries and currently lead an international task force for The Navigators and local churches.
“Being Good News to your Muslim Friends & Neighbors” panel discussion
We love Muslims! Jesus invites us to co-labor alongside Him, welcoming them into His kingdom. This seminar will reveal practical, biblical pathways for you to relate to your Muslim neighbors. You will learn surprising ways God is moving among Muslims globally, and hear encouraging stories local stories as well.
“Discipling the iGeneration” Trevor and Cassie Long
As our fast-paced culture continues to change rapidly, each new generation of young people brings unique challenges and opportunities for advancing the Gospel of Jesus and His kingdom. Sociologists are calling those born between 1995 and 2012 the iGeneration. They are the first generation to grow up with a smartphone in their hand. Experts say they are entrepreneurial, multi-tasking, private, cynical, hyper-aware, and technology-reliant. They are very different from their predecessors, yet their spiritual needs and desires are still the same. How can we continue to answer their questions and lead them towards Jesus in ways they can relate to and understand?
Trevor and Cassie Long have been leading movements of life-to-life student disciple making in Europe and America for more than 15 years. Trevor currently directs the collegiate ministry at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities. They enjoy living in North Minneapolis with their 4 children: Jaden, Josie, Maia, and Tobey.